The Books

One Potato Review
Though it may not look like much on the cover, this tells the true and surprisingly tortuous story of Bob and Joe Switzer’s contribution to the worlds of emergency rescue equipment and contemporary ladies’ jogging wear. It took them years of experimenting, and falling down on their heads, sometimes literally – Bob, the aspiring doctor, was injured inspecting railroad cars at a pickle and ketchup factory, and needed to spend several months recuperating in a darkened basement. So long medical school. Meanwhile Joe was a struggling magician, yet by the end of this book the brothers are both fantastically successful entrepreneurs, war heroes (day-glo panels and ultraviolet lamps enabled allied operations in the Pacific), and inventors of colors, for heaven sakes – where Mayans, Egyptians and Michelangelo had come up short. They roamed. Took wrong turns. Lived in Cleveland. Time forgives.
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