The Books

One Potato Review
Wise but dependably giddy: A mouse who cooks dinner (fondue). A cat who keeps house (between naps). A dog who plants gardens (with bones). Everything’s cool, everything’s fine – or is it? A castaway fox (and wayward representative of the Winds of Change Trading Company) arrives with the tide, depositing his tiny seeds of doubt around this pebbly Eden, then finally, quite literally, seeds, when he is all of sudden called away in the middle of the night – just one of about a thousand improvisatory flourishes here which make for a livelier, wittier and more unpredictable fable than you would guess from its cover. This author and illustrator is full of surprises; sometimes she even appears to be surprising herself. A little marjoram in your fondue? And what’s the deal with cat and her buccaneer eye-patch?
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