The Books

I Love You Dude

by Vladimir Radunsky

One Potato Review

The doodle as Odysseus. This sometimes reads like the author is making it up as he goes, which isn’t as bad as that sounds. In fact, from an imagination as fertile as Radunsky’s, it’s really kind of great. You catch yourself wondering: which came first, the picture or the chapter? (There are ten of them here, plus a Foreword). Chapter 6: “I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran…” Chapter 7: Tremendous Belly, in which our hero decides whether he would really like to spend the rest of his life as a tattoo. If Radunsky doesn’t always seem to have prepared his answers in advance – how, and why, will Dude escape from a coffee cup? A circus poster? A sidewalk? – the outcome is a journey more alive, and consistently surprising, than any destination. In Chagally-looking hues.

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